Chatbot for reading PDF files using Python

Amit Bhardwaj
3 min readApr 17, 2022


In one of my articles, I explained how to read pdf files and return a tokenised corpus of the pdf. Here, I have used horticulture data as my pdf.

So moving on to the next steps we will be requiring the following thing overall :

Importing useful libraries

import random
import string
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity
import nltk'punkt')
import numpy as np
import warnings
from PIL import Image
import pytesseract
import sys
from pdf2image import convert_from_path
import os

Function to read PDF files that returns text corpus.

def get_pdf_data(user_resp):

PDF_file = "horticulturae-03-00030-v2.pdf"
pages = convert_from_path(PDF_file, 500,poppler_path= r'C:\Program Files (x86)\poppler-0.68.0\bin')
image_counter = 1
for page in pages:
filename = "page_"+str(image_counter)+".jpg", 'JPEG')
image_counter = image_counter + 1
filelimit = image_counter-1
outfile = "out_text.txt"
#f = open(outfile, "a")
pytesseract.pytesseract.tesseract_cmd = r"C:\Program Files\Tesseract-OCR\tesseract.exe"
corpus =''
for i in range(1, filelimit + 1):
filename = "page_"+str(i)+".jpg"
text = str(((pytesseract.image_to_string(
text = text.replace('-\n', '')
corpus+= text

sent_tokens = nltk.sent_tokenize(corpus)
return sent_tokens

Clean the data and make it usable.

def LemNormalize(corpus):
return nltk.word_tokenize(corpus.lower().translate(remove_punct_dict))
#Greeting Inputs
GREETING_INPUTS = ["hi", "hello", "hola", "greetings", "wassup", "hey"]
#Greeting responses back to the user
GREETING_RESPONSES=["howdy", "hi", "hey", "what's good", "hello", "hey there"]
#Function to return a random greeting response to a users greeting
def greeting(sentence):
#if the user's input is a greeting, then return a randomly chosen greeting response
for word in sentence.split():
if word.lower() in GREETING_INPUTS:
return random.choice(GREETING_RESPONSES)

Create a text similarity detection function that matches the user inputs and returns similar sentences.

Here I have used TF-IDF vectors and cosine similarity scores for matching the data with user-input

def response(user_response):#The users response / query

user_response = user_response.lower() #Make the response lower case
###Print the users query/ response
#Set the chatbot response to an empty string
robo_response = ''
sent_tokens = get_pdf_data(user_response)
#Append the users response to the sentence list
###Print the sentence list after appending the users response
#Create a TfidfVectorizer Object
TfidfVec = TfidfVectorizer(tokenizer = LemNormalize, stop_words='english')
#Convert the text to a matrix of TF-IDF features
tfidf = TfidfVec.fit_transform(sent_tokens)
###Print the TFIDF features
#Get the measure of similarity (similarity scores)
vals = cosine_similarity(tfidf[-1], tfidf)
#Print the similarity scores
#Get the index of the most similar text/sentence to the users response
idx = vals.argsort()[0][-2]
except IndexError :
robo_response = robo_response+"I apologize, I don't understand."
return robo_response
#Reduce the dimensionality of vals
flat = vals.flatten()
#sort the list in ascending order
#Get the most similar score to the users response
score = flat[-2]
#Print the similarity score
#If the variable 'score' is 0 then their is no text similar to the users response
if(score == 0):
robo_response = robo_response+"I apologize, I don't understand."
robo_response = robo_response+sent_tokens[idx]

#Print the chat bot response

#Remove the users response from the sentence tokens list

return robo_response

A function that handles the input of the users.

flag = True
print("GrassBot: Hi! I will answer your queries.Please Ask. If you want to exit, type Bye!")
while(flag == True):
user_response = input()
user_response = user_response.lower()
if(user_response != 'bye'):
if(user_response == 'thanks' or user_response =='thank you'):
print("GrassBot: You are welcome !")
if(greeting(user_response) != None):
print("GrassBot: "+greeting(user_response))
print("GrassBot: "+response(user_response))
flag = False
print("GrassBot: Chat with you later !")

Sample output :

GrassBot: Hi! I will answer your queries.Please Ask. If you want to exit, type Bye!
GrassBot: howdy
what are the Ions that contribute to soil salinity ?
GrassBot: Ions that contribute to soil salinity include Cl-, SO,?-, HCO,-, Nat, Ca2+, Mg?t,
and, rarely, NO; or Kt.
what are nutritional effects of salinity ?
GrassBot: Nutritional Effects

SALINITY ANDCATIONNUTRITION The major nutritional effects of salinity are
those associated with cation nutrition.
GrassBot: You are welcome !

I have tried to keep it as simple for starting points, there are many optimisations we can do here and would love to hear from you as well in the comments :)


